October 2015
Once again we had a great and powerful group on our Magical Peru Journey to the Sacred Valley in October. Our work with the Q'ero shamans of the high Andes continues to deepen, our relations with the locals gets stronger and we are always so happy to share the beauty and magical elements of this amazing place. We were also excited to raise funds to bring Kathryne, a US Military Veteran, with us this year. This is something that we will continue to do with all of our retreats!
Click here for a slideshow of our journey Magical Peru 2015.
September 2015
Our new album Daylight Moon was released September 1. As are all of our albums, this is recorded live in sacred healing circles and professionally mixed and mastered. Sounds include chanting, gongs, drums, chacapa, feathers, chimes, Tibetan bells, maracas and more. We have brought in dear Brother James Elston on flute and Phoenix Williams with drumming and chanting. We hope you enjoy it! Click on the album image to go to CD Baby to purchase.
July 2015
We are raising funds thru Go Fund Me to bring two veterans to our Magical Peru Journey in October 2015. Our journeys have been extremely powerful and life changing for all in attendance. We want to help bring this change to our two veterans, Chase and Kathryn, and we need your support to do this. Please help with whatever you can to make this a possibility! Please go to the following link to read their stories and make a contribution! www.gofundme.com/veteransjourney
May 2015
Three of us went up the mountain outside of Taos, New Mexico for three days and nights with no food or water on Vision Quest. There was a small group of supporters and space holders below tending to the 24 hour fire. We were in our individual places to just be with nature, to connect in deeply, to meditate, to be by ourselves. On day 3, Jim, my dear friend and guide, adorned us with a red mineral paint, to be recognized by Spirit. as we endured the remaining time of our journey. It was a remarkable experience. One that will continue each year for the next three years to complete the directional cycle. If you feel called to have this experience, please contact us.
-------------------- This month was a loss to many with the passing of Kristina Hohn. Kristina, or as I called her Super K, has been in my life for 18 years and my girlfriend for close to 13 years. Despite being apart for some years, she was always a big and important part of my life.
July 3, 1970 - May 9, 2015
Such a deep love
Casts a great sadness
When you are no longer here
To share the joy
The laughter
The beauty of the day!
I will always miss you
Always be so grateful
For our time together
Thank you Dear One
For being in my life
In such a precious way
Thank you for your love
For making my life
Entwined with yours!
I love you so!
Now fly free!
April 2015
We celebrated a big birthday for Victoria in both Hawaii and Nevada City this year. They were joyous celebrations with lots of good friends and great music with Peace Tribe in Hawaii and Singing Bear in Nevada City along with flutist James Elston and other wonderful local musicians.
And our beautiful April group.
March 2015
And another wonderful and beautiful group for our Elemental Hawaii Yoga Retreat in March!
February 2015
In Hawaii now, first retreat finished. Amazing group of people with deep transformation and healing. So beautiful and so much fun! Whales, dolphins, wateralls, snorkeling, sacred healing work, organic food, sweat lodge and more! Blessings and thanks to all of our Brothers and Sisters!
January 2015
Victoria and I had our photos done professionally with some of our ceremonial gear with amazing photographer Waking Crow. Check out a slideshow of our shoot! Click picture.
October 2014
Back in Peru and loving the experience, once again, to be here and to share the power of Pachamama, our Earth Mother, and the Apus, the sacred spirits of the mountains, working with the Q'ero shamans of the high Andes, looking within ourselves for what we want to release and let go, what we want to draw into our lives.
Click here for a
Video of Yoga Peru 2014
Mystical Peru 2014
June 2014
Two sacred journeys to Peru in Autumn 2014
YOGA PERU September 20-27
and MYSTICAL PERU October 4-11
These are always transformative and healing journeys and we love to share Peru with you! Please contact us for more information!
May 2014
Where does the time go? An amazing start to the year with a three month stint on Hawaii's Big Island. Grateful for the warm embrace of Mama Pele, our extraordinary retreat with a sweeet group of international travellers, swimming with dolphins, turtles, manta rays, watching whales, and deepening the connection to the island and to our family of friends.
Fast forward to mid-May and embarking on a western US tour through southern California, Las Vegas NV, Boulder CO, Ketchum ID and Washington and Seattle.
The journey continues in its' magnificence as we meet more people and further the connections with the ones we have known previously. The healing work is occuring at more rapid speeds, less time needed to work on clients, the movement of energy through the bodies increases, clearing and shifting the vibration to a higher frequency, where people are remembering their essence, their greatness, their love!
Ahh, the beauty. What we can recognize when we step aside from our routines and patterns and allow ourselves to receive and to simply be. To be with whatever is in the moment, without judgement, without condition, as the observer, as the one in our power!